Family Doctor Accepting New Patients Q&A
Family medicine is a primary care medical specialty that offers ongoing and extensive healthcare to individuals and families. Dr. Samir Abdelshaheed, MD, at Family Medicine Healthcare provides medical care for patients of all ages, including pediatrics and geriatrics. If you are looking for a new family doctor, contact us to learn more about our team of doctors to find the right one for you and your family. We are conveniently located at 3925 Portsmouth Boulevard, Chesapeake, VA 23321.

Table of Contents:
How can I make a same-day appointment with a Primary Care Doctor in Chesapeake, VA?
How can I find a Primary Care Doctor who takes my insurance?
What questions should I ask when finding a new doctor?
Is Family Medicine Healthcare accepting new patients?
Family Medicine Healthcare is a primary care clinic located in Chesapeake, VA. We provide care to patients of all ages, with doctors specializing in pediatrics and geriatrics, as well as primary care physicians for every age in between. We have a robust team of doctors and medical support staff who are available to help you and your family to feel your best. If you require a same-day appointment, we ask that you give the office a call directly to see what your options are for appointment times based on who is available. We will do our best to accommodate same-day appointment requests and get you seen as quickly as possible to get you back to feeling like yourself. If you are suffering from a life-threatening illness or injury, please call 911 or get someone to drive you to the nearest emergency room for immediate treatment. You can also seek medical treatment through an urgent care for medical issues that are not considered life-threatening but require medical attention within a 24-hour period, should our clinic not be able to fit you in.
Many primary care doctors will accept insurance plans; however, it is best to confirm with the clinic or even your insurance provider prior to seeking medical care. Your insurance company may have a list of preferred doctors that they have set up agreements with for quicker insurance processing. If this is the case, they will be able to provide you with a list of clinics and doctors in your area that will take your insurance. Otherwise, it is best to check with the clinic itself, either through their website or by calling them. If you do not see your insurance provider listed on their website, you can give them a call to confirm. Any fees for service, including co-pays and deductibles, need to be paid at the time of service, so it is best to know ahead of time what your insurance will cover so you can be prepared to cover any or all of your appointment fees. Family Medicine Healthcare accepts most insurance, so talk to us today when you book an appointment.
Finding a new family doctor can be a tedious process and many people avoid doing it for exactly that reason. There are many benefits to having a family doctor though, so it is worth putting in the work to find one that works for you and your family.
Questions you should ask a new doctor can include:
– What are your office hours?
– What is the likelihood of getting an appointment on short notice?
– Will I always see the same doctor, or could I potentially be seeing another doctor in the same practice?
– Do you accept insurance, and if so, which ones?
– What is your policy on payment for appointments?
– What medical conditions do you diagnose and treat in office?
– Should I have a medical condition that is outside of your scope of practice, how will my medical care be handled?
It is important to understand your doctor’s philosophy on patient care to ensure that it aligns with your needs. You will also want to make sure that you and any family members who will be seeing the doctor are comfortable with them and able to talk to the doctor about any health concerns, no matter how awkward or embarrassing it may feel.
Family Medicine Healthcare has a team of doctors and medical professionals that can see patients of all ages and stages of life. With a larger team on hand, we often do have room in our practice for new patients. We ask that patients who are not currently in our practice call our office to book an appointment and we can confirm at that time which of our doctors is accepting new patients. We want to ensure that the doctor we pair our patients up with is a good match based on the patient’s needs from their medical care. We serve patients from Chesapeake VA, Portsmouth VA, Norfolk VA, Suffolk VA, Virginia Beach VA, and Hampton VA.