Diabetes Treatment Doctor in Chesapeake VA
The primary cause of diabetes differs depending on the type. However, regardless of the type of diabetes you possess, it can result in a high level of sugar in your blood which can damage almost every organ in your system, including your brain, heart, skin, kidneys, nerves, and ears. If you are looking for a healthcare provider who will take your health and management of diabetes with the utmost care and attention, then visit us at Family Medicine Healthcare, Dr. Samir Abdelshaheed, MD, would be pleased to serve you. For more information, please contact us today or simply book an appointment. We are conveniently located at 3925 Portsmouth Boulevard, Chesapeake, VA 23321.

Table of Contents:
What should my blood sugar be?
What questions should I ask my doctor about diabetes?
How often should diabetic patients see their doctor?
A diabetes doctor may also be referred to as a diabetes specialist or an endocrinologist. A diabetes doctor will specialize in the glands of the endocrine within the hormone system of the body. The pancreas is the gland that is involved with diabetes. The pancreas is what in turn produces insulin, as well as problems with insulin, and is what helps manage diabetes.
When looking at blood sugar levels they are based on age the range for 13 years old to adults needs to be between 90 to 130 mg/dl (5.0 to 7.2 mmol/L), for children aged 6 to 12 the range needs to be from 90 to 180 mg/dl (5.0 to 10 mmol/L) and children under six needs to be between 100 to 180 mg/dl (5.5 to 10 mmol/L). A glucose test will be performed to measure the glucose in your blood, the test will need to be done while fasting and if your glucose levels are within those ranges, it is normal. Higher ranges would suggest pre-diabetes or diabetes.
Glucose measurements can also be done two hours after a meal, blood sugars less than 140 mg/dl (7.8mmol/L) would be in the normal range, and readings of 140 to 199 (7.8 to 11.0 mmol/L) would be considered pre-diabetes or diabetes.
When speaking to your doctor regarding diabetes you will want to make sure you a getting all the necessary information to help you. Asking about any side effects of the medication is important as it may interfere with other prescriptions or inhibit you from certain tasks related to work or home life, and how long the side effects may last. An important question especially if it is your first appointment would be how often I should check my glucose levels. You may need to check your levels up to 10 times per day and your provider may have specific testing times such as before and after a meal or after exercise. Knowing what signs to look for if your levels are too high or too low is another good question for your provider. Other questions might be how to manage and whether their other health concerns come with the onset of diabetes. You may want to ask what goals you have for your glucose levels.
Depending on how your treatment is being managed it is recommended to see your doctor every three to six months. In these appointments, your doctor will ask about your glucose monitoring, whether you are having episodes of low and high sugar levels, and the frequency and duration of them. Your doctor will check your weight, your healthcare provider will check your feet and legs for any sores.
They will discuss exercise and eating habits, and if there is any smoking or alcohol use. Your doctor will go over self-care and disease education and if there are
symptoms of depression, stress, or other psychological issues along with any other lifestyle changes and how they are being managed. Your doctor will also follow up with other previous exams and blood work. Every year your doctor will do a comprehensive exam of your feet, and eyes and check the protein in your urine. Your height, weight, and cholesterol levels. The doctor will also provide an influenza vaccine.
Schedule your appointment today with our clinic to speak to our diabetes doctor about your diabetes. We are conveniently located at 3925 Portsmouth Boulevard, Chesapeake, VA 23321. We serve patients from Chesapeake VA, Norfolk VA, Portsmouth VA, Suffolk VA, Virginia Beach VA, and Hampton VA.